A guide to the design of products and experiences that bridge multiple platforms and channels, a map to the future of cross-channel design
– Peter Morville
As physical and digital interactions intertwine, new challenges for designers are materializing. While well versed in designing web sistes and software, professionals are now faced with the crucial challenge of applying these techniques to information systems that span digital and physical.
This book is required reading for all information architects end user experience designers. It’a a brilliant guide to the dasign of products and experiences that bridge multiple platforms and channels. The best book you’ll find about the emerging practice of cross-channel user experience design.
The rise of pervasive technology encourages information to roam free from the confines of the desktop into every aspect of our lives. To navigate this complex, cross-media environment, we need master architects. This book, from two of the field’s foremost thinkers, is a shining landmark for this new world.
Andrea and Luca have done something truly innovative in bringing Information Architecture out of the design studio and into the streets. A lot of people talk about “pervasive” and “holistic” as ideals – this book provides solid thought around cross-channel/multi-channel customer expenence design. It effectively challenges the view that any one service delivery channel (such as web, or call center, or shopfront) can be considered in isolation. I will be actively recommending this book to colleagues and clients.