Andrea Resmini

I’m an information architect, a teacher, and a researcher. I was trained as an architect at the Politecnico di Milano, in Milan, Italy, and I hold a PhD in Legal Informatics from the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, in Bologna, Italy.
I have been practicing information architecture since 1999 for clients large and small in Italy and Europe. I’m a former FatDUX associate, and I’m currently an associate professor of information architecture and experience design at the Department of Intelligent Systems and Digital Design at Halmstad University in Halmstad, Sweden.
I teach courses and supervise graduate and postgraduate students working with information architecture, blended experiences, digital / physical experience design, game design and serious games, systems thinking, service design, digital transformation, and interaction design.
Luca Rosati

I’m an information architect and user experience designer. I work to simplify the human-information interaction so as to promote wayfinding, findability, and sense-making. I have been consulting for large companies, public administration and government agencies for 25 years.
I’m one of the founders of Architecta, the Italian information architecture association, and the author of four books on information architecture. I collaborated on the redesign of Intesa Sanpaolo bank’s digital ecosystem, including the mobile banking app, rated as a Global Mobile Banking Apps Leader (2022-24) by Forrester Research.
In information architecture I see a transversal knowledge, a glue to avoid the fragmentation typical of our time, a key to ensure not only the findability but also the comprehensibility of information. I love the Lego bricks, series and taxonomies, aged red wines.